Diary of Silphium

Silphiumの管理人こと長瀬 秋宏の日記です。

過去の日記はこちらです:1997年 8月 11月 12月
1998年 1月 2月 3月 5月 6月 7月 8月

1998/09/06 (Sun):[ Heavy Flood Happened ]
About ten days ago, heavy flood attacked into the northeast.
Many house was carried away, and some people was killed.
The nature is very terrible.
I made a web-page linking with many related sites.
Some people gave me a e-mail that I was a help to me.
Reading it, I became happy.
I think that both become happy is very important.


terra station [Silphium]
Since Oct 1997, (c) Akihiro Nagase
mail to aki@nekoruri.jp
Last update : 1998/09/06